Maria says: "So you really want to go to grad school, huh?"

As Mel's days in grad school come to an end, we who have been doing this for a while wonder... Is there really and end to this? A light at the end of this long, dark tunnel? Trust me, I would be happy if it were the light of the projector on the day of my defense :) (Go Mel!) Doing a PhD is a great example of Darwin's theory of evolution... Survival of the fittest is the name of the game... you either survive or you go to extinction (like the dodo... poor bird). It teaches you so many lessons not only about science but about life and yourself. You learn more about yourself in trying moments and trust me, you'll have a lot of those in this program. So for all those who are thinking about grad school (ahem, Heather...) think about it loooooong and hard because that's exactly what it is... long and hard! Trust me.. experience is the best teacher! And Heather, if after all this you still end up deciding to go, keep your personal worshipper with you AT ALL TIMES! Trust me you'll need it!
yes you are very right. i need to really look at what you guys go through. But what to do with my life?? man, uncertainty sucks.
PS funny comic :)
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