Genetics Department

Monday, April 23, 2007

A little quiz...

I got a 12.5! Clear sign that it was time for me to get outta there, huh??

1. Cornell (do I get bonus points for high school? Bronx Science)
2. Astoria
3. ------- (but I can look it up on Pubmed!)
4. A brother (I think older? Forgot what he does)
5. ALFRED!!!

Yo, JAM folks, What does the A stand for???
Yo, CT, what does D stand for???

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Now, they're reading mine...

Decisions, decisions... who knows which is the right one to make? And even when you think you've figured it out, how do you actually carry it out??? Gosh, when did things get so complicated and why do we have to grow up?

For Mel... almost like they read your mind!

Mel is coming back... for the last time :( In honor of this bittersweet occasion, I dedicate this comic to you Mel, my wise and very good friend...